Interactive Advertising Bureau
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Industry Insider with Meta - Supporting Parents, Guardians & Teens

13th September 2022 | 11:00 CET | Register now 

This September, IAB Europe has been hosting a series of virtual events to discuss and debate trust and transparency in the digital advertising industry. A lack of transparency and accountability will cause notable friction in any value chain, especially in digital advertising. Our series of events will discuss what’s currently being done and what else needs to be done to ensure a sustainable future.

In this Trust and Transparency Industry Insider, Meta is taking over!

In this session, Meta's policy experts will be sharing an update on how Meta is supporting teens, parents and caregivers, as well as the efforts to protect the wellbeing and safety of youth on their platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Speaker: Tara Hopkins, Public Policy Director, EMEA for Instagram

Register here, for this live, free event.


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