Interactive Advertising Bureau
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IAB Europe's Digital Advertising Sustainability Summit - Together with Meta | Supported by Ad Net Zero

8th November 8:30 - 12:00 GMT | Invitation-Only Event 

We will be hosting a networking breakfast and a packed agenda of sessions at Meta's Brock Street office in London to learn about the industry’s efforts to promote sustainability across digital advertising and push for further progress.

Together with Meta and supported by Ad Net Zero, we bring you this in-person industry event at a moment that marks the one-year anniversary of our Sustainability Standards Committee. We will spotlight some of the great work being done, and importantly address some of the barriers to further progress with a view to driving more action.

Spaces are limited and reserved for members of IAB Europe's industry committees. For more information on this event and the work of IAB Europe's Sustainability Standards Committee please contact Lauren here -

Confirmed speakers:


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