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Nielsen Online


The online world is changing and Nielsen Online delivers the data, intelligence and insights to help marketers, publishers, technology companies and agencies thrive on this change.
Nielsen Online provides a 360° view of advertising and consumer behaviour (what they say and what they do) online. This includes measuring and benchmarking website performance, tracking online advertising, profiling online audiences and helping companies understand what consumers say about them and their brands online.
Nielsen Online is a truly global company. We have European offices in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Sweden and Switzerland plus data coverage right across Europe as well as in Africa, the Middle East, North and South America and Asia Pacific.

Our Clients

Our main client groups are agencies, publishers, portals, media, retailers as well as advertisers from all major industry sectors.

Our Product Portfolio

NetView – measuring Internet audiences

NetView tracks online audience behaviour, the demographic composition of website visitors and benchmarks website and sector performance.
AdRelevance – tracking online advertising

Captures and measures online advertising activity – who is advertising, where they’re doing it, how much and the creatives used.
SiteCensus and Market Intelligence – cookie-based web analytics

Measures and benchmarks how visitors behave and navigate through a website.
VideoCensus – understanding streaming media consumption

Measures and benchmarks streaming media activity including how many people are streaming video, who they are, how much they stream and for how long.
BuzzMetrics – making sense of online consumer generated content

Measures consumer-generated media (CGM) looking at what consumers say and share online to help companies track key issues, identify trends, assess possible threats and understand the power of influence and word-of-mouth online.
Nielsen Mobile

Provides syndicated consumer research to the telecom and mobile media markets, focusing exclusively on tracking the behaviour, attitudes and experiences of mobile consumers. The reports also provide data on Internet, video, gaming, audio and advertising trends across mobile phone users.
Custom Research and Analytics

Highly knowledgeable industry analysts mine Nielsen Online’s rich and extensive primary research data to provide key insights customised to the needs of individual businesses.
Contact: Barney Farmer, Sales Director, +44 (0) 20 7014 0590

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