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Industry Event - The eSport Gaming Forum on 8th July

The Esports & Gaming Forum has always been the biggest marketing conference about esports and electronic entertainment in CEE. The forum pictures extraordinary growth of those trends as well as practical possibilities for utilising it for brand communications or investment businesses.

The third edition is going international so the whole region can benefit from the knowledge about the newest trends.

Idea - The Forum will share the latest knowledge and insights on gaming entertainment and esports, along with their growth potential to brands or companies which have not previously been connected with this advertising channel.

People - The Forum bring together experts from the world of esports, streaming and gaming. Professionals will be from building teams, businesses, products, legal or marketing within gaming and esports ecosystems.

Connections - You can join in an interactive way. Apart from watching talks of worldwide-known specialists, The Forum encourages participants to join discussions and share their opinions and ideas. In the time of new markets being born, it's a great opportunity to be a part of this growth and share ideas.


  • Register here.
  • Read the latest Press Release here. 

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