Interactive Advertising Bureau

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IAB Poland

Interactive Advertising Bureau Poland (IAB Poland) is a Polish advertising industry organization that unites and represents entities of the interactive industry. IAB Poland members include more than 200 companies, including the biggest web portals, global media groups, interactive agencies, media houses and technology providers. In 2012 the organization received the MIXX Awards Europe, honoring the best IAB bureau in Europe.

The mission of IAB Poland is to support development of the Internet industry and take regulatory actions to enhance the competitiveness of the market, conducting research projects, leading educational programs and providing legal protection.

The organization cooperates closely with American bureau as well as with European hubs, such as IAB Europe and others, both global and local organizations. IAB Poland holds a number of initiatives that aim to educate both the market and Internet users. Those initiatives are: “Safe youngsters on the Internet”, “Watch legal”, “Everything about cookies”, “Comment, not offend”, “Advertise consciously. Initiative for fair advertising”.

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