Interactive Advertising Bureau

Members Directory

IAB Italy


IAB Italy contributes to the spread of digital culture and the acceleration of market growth in Italy through the development of principled communication. The Association promotes the value of interactive advertising as an engine of sustainable growth for companies, people and the country. Listening to and interpreting changes in the market, it aims to inspire and guide with an authoritative and inclusive voice. IAB Italy collaborates with institutions to promote the development of digital and the responsible use of new technologies for the benefit of the country's innovation.


Media-owners/sales reps, advertising agencies, media agencies, web agencies, research institutes, publishers, advertisers.

Workgroups 2023/2024

  • Digital Audio
  • Retail Media
  • Digital Out Of Home
  • Attention Metrics
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Digital ADV Sustainability
  • Gaming ADV
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Connected TV

Communication Tools

Annual Report: an annual publication in which IAB Italy sums up the past year’s initiatives and provides some advice and predictions for the coming year
Networking: IAB Italy organises many networking opportunities for its members such as special events, Digital breakfast, etc.


IAB Forum: the most important event about online advertising and digital innovation in Italy. It takes place in Milan in November with more than 12.000 attendees, over 100 sponsors, 50 top speakers and 70 workshops recorded in the last edition.
IAB Showcase: The first Italian marketplace to bring together supply and demand to learn about formats, content and advertising solutions for digital channels. An entertainment approach to learn about what's new in the market.
Vertical Events: one-day events (Data Day, Attention Day) dedicated to exploring concrete cases in which new technologies have generated tangible and successful results in the performance of Brands.
IAB Digital Touchpoints: one-day event focused every year on how Brands of different sectors (Design, Fashion & Luxury) are using digital to communicate and attract new audiences.
IAB Webinar: in-depth online talks on industry topics in collaboration with association members presenting case studies and successful projects.

Special Projects

IAB Next: appointments to discuss frontier innovation in exclusive locations for a select group of "innovation lovers".

Advertisers Council: special project that provides investor members with an overview of hot topics in Digital Advertising, with input from top qualified experts, identified from IAB members and other companies.


Masterclass and training courses
The Post Cookie: training course in a virtual classroom that, starting from the definition of cookies and their usefulness, will allow us to understand how the deprecation of third-party tracking will change the scenario of digital communication and to know the solutions best suited to different business objectives. The course has been sold out for 6 editions.

Programmatic Specialist: the course with certification that allows international recognition of the figure of the Programmatic specialist. On-demand lessons with certificate of attendance. For  maintaining the certification it is necessary to have an annual update.

IAB Digital Library: a selection of over 150 on-demand training courses from the platform Edulia Dal Sapere Treccani, the most well known Italian Institution of Encyclopedia . The courses are taught by experts and industry professionals with renowned expertise. Members have free  access to the selected courses on the platform.

Sole 24 ORE Formazione: IAB Italia has signed a partnership with Sole 24 ORE Formazione, the Business School of the first economic & financial newspaper in Italy , to design new courses dedicated to digital marketing and innovation. The training courses cover the main topics related to digital marketing, with verticals dedicated to Martech, Digital Content and the Web3 world. The courses are delivered in synchronous and fully digital mode through the Sole 24 ORE Formazione teaching platform and grant a diploma

Customised training courses: training courses and workshops tailored for companies and top management to investigate key frontier issues in marketing and digital innovation.

IAB Italy Masters: the first Masters in Italy dedicated to graduates focused on Communication, Digital Marketing and Interactive Advertising, in collaboration with ALMED – Alta Scuola in Media, Comunicazione e Spettacolo – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan). The goal of the Master is to produce young digital advertising professionals.
IAB Italy also organises a Master in Digital Marketing and Communications with Alma Graduate School.



IAB Italia
Via Bergognone 34 - 20144 Milan - Italy
Phone: +39.(0)258320694


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