Interactive Advertising Bureau

Members Directory

IAB Finland


The main mission of IAB Finland is to strengthen and promote Internet and interactive media in the field of marketing, advertising and sales by informing and developing education and co-operation. The aim of this co-operation is to increase the importance of online-advertising and to create the standards and guidelines that are needed in this field.


IAB Finland consists of over 100 organizations and approximately 1000 individual members working in those organizations. The member companies include advertisers, media agencies, creative agencies, publishers, sales houses, ad networks and service providers.


By participating in workgroups and task forces, members of IAB Finland share their knowledge and experience to help the market grow and become more professional. IAB Finland task forces cover:
Data Protection, Mobile Advertising, Social Media, Programmatic Buying, Native Advertising, Video Advertising, Ad Blocking, Ad Spend and Measuring the Marketing Effectiveness.

Communication Tools

Website: Contains information on IAB Finland and its organization and members, news and press releases, education and event invitations, a knowledge base with event presentations, publications and research, a toolbox with a glossary, handbooks, guidelines, creative showcases, policies etc. The website also has a blog with several permanent and guest writers.

E-newsletter: Newsletter for the members and a marketing e-letter for non-members.

Social Media:


IAB Finland organizes digital seminars approximately four to five times a year with variable amount of speakers on one subject. There are price reductions for members.

This year’s seminars are:

14/04/2016:     Data Protection
08/06/2016:     Mobile Advertising
Q3 2016:         Programmatic Buying
Q3 2016:         Employee Advocacy
Q4 2016:         Video Advertising -> erase all the seminars, I will inform the new ones later for this year.

Special Projects

IDM: IAB Finland organizes for its members educational programs, The IDM Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing. It is designed to give comprehensive knowledge and thorough understanding of digital marketing technologies and their marketing applications.

Digital Media Sales Certification: IAB Finland provides a localized version of the IAB US’s digital media sales certification for people who are associated with digital media sales. After passing a test successfully, the certification is valid for two years.

Online ad spend research: An important goal of IAB Finland is to make sure that the total amount of online advertising is included in the official ad spend research in Finland. IAB Finland co-operates with TNS Media Intelligence.


Birgitta Takala (birgitta.takala(at), Executive Director
Kaisa Taskinen-Veliaj (kaisa.taskinen-veliaj(at), Marketing Manager

In addition to the office staff, we have an active board, which consists of 6 persons who represent publishers and 6 persons who represent either an advertiser or an office (related to marketing, advertising and/or media).


IAB Finland ry
Lapinlahdenkatu 1 B
00180 Helsinki
TEL: +358 40 543 9165

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