Interactive Advertising Bureau

Members Directory

IAB Bulgaria


Interactive Advertising Bureau Bulgaria (IAB Bulgaria) is the official IAB licensee and also the representative of IAB Europe for Bulgaria.

Its mission is to promote the benefits and opportunities of interactive marketing and also of Internet as one of the main channels of communication.

The mission of the association is to support growth and development of the interactive market in Bulgaria through training, sharing of experience, setting of standards, researching, and defending the interests of its members.

IAB Bulgaria is the Voice of Digital Industry in Bulgaria.


Members of IAB Bulgaria represent more than 1,200 employees in the Bulgarian digital industry. These include Internet media, technology companies, advertising agencies and advertisers who actively create and develop interactive advertising market in Bulgaria.


IAB Bulgaria has formed task forces to support the association’s mission, share experience, disseminate knowledge and streamline work in particular areas.

Currently, the goals of IAB Bulgaria are being pursued through eight working groups: Communication Tools, Events & Education, Public Affairs, Research, Metrics, Standards, Relations with Universities, Ethical Code.


IAB Bulgaria is still developing its portfolio of events.
In 2011 the association held the first IAB Forum Bulgaria (, featuring speakers and panelists, with the ambition to lay the groundwork for turning the forum in the most important event for interactive advertising and online marketing in the country.

Special Projects


The association organizes IAB Workshops, half-day, for members only, that bring together subject matter experts to discuss issues of common interest and search for relevant solutions; IAB Seminars ( one day, for non members, that target particular areas of industry, such as retail, pharmaceutical, etc; and IAB Day, one day, free for students, that reaches to university students in marketing. Hard work is mixed with the IAB Digital Cocktail – an informal evening party organized on a regular base.


The association publishes the IAB annual AdEx results and trends performed together with Ipsos and Internet Landscape study.

Contacts: Interactive Advertising Bureau Bulgaria

Dimitar Denev – Chairman, IAB Bulgaria

Mobile: +359 88 940 43 10


Boriana Velikova – Executive Director, IAB Bulgaria

Mobile: +359 88 888 27 57



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