Interactive Advertising Bureau
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IAB Europe TCF Webinar - CTV & Consent - With Didomi, LiveRamp & OneTrust

How is user consent collected and processed in the CTV environment?

Join IAB Europe for our Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF) special webinars focused on CTV and consent to find out what solutions exist and how stakeholders can adhere to privacy and data protection regulations. Over two sessions on 19th & 20th May, we will be discussing best practices for the industry for CTV and consent.

In this webinar on the 19th May, we will begin with an overview from IAB Europe's Policy & TCF team on how the TCF works in the CTV environment with best practices and legal know how.

Three recently validated CMPs for the CTV environment - Didomi, LiveRamp and OneTrust - will then showcase their solutions for collecting consent in the CTV environment. They will demonstrate how it works, how consent is collected (with UI example) and how consent is then passed within the ecosystem.

This webinar will take place on  19th May at 3pm CET. Register here to secure your free place. 


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Rond-Point Robert
Schuman 11
1040 Brussels
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